Full Name
Michael Geocaris
Job Title
Consulting Engineer
Speaker Bio
Michael Geocaris is a Consulting Engineer at S&C Electric Company. He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Colorado, a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, and is in the process of earning an MS in Cybersecurity of Energy Systems from Georgia Tech University. He has spent the last 13 years working with startups in the solar thermal industry and more recently at the US Department of Energy managing R&D projects for wireless sensors and controls, building energy modeling, and grid-interactive efficient buildings. Michael has worked with S&C for over two years in the Non-Wires Alternatives and Consulting and Analytical Services groups and is an active member of various working groups at IEEE. Michael has served as an independent reviewer and subject matter expert for both the Department of Energy and National Renewable Energy Laboratory for both the Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) and the Advanced Building Construction (ABC) portfolios. During his time at S&C, Michael has worked on early-stage microgrid project development for the utility, education, agriculture, mobility, and aviation industries. He is on the Microgrid Task Force at IEEE and has consulted with the Smart Electric Power Alliance when adding IEEE 2030.7 to their Catalog of Standards.
Michael Geocaris