Full Name
Kay Aikin
Job Title
Chief Executive Officer
Dynamic Grid
Speaker Bio
Kay Aikin is the founder and Chief Product Officer of Dynamic Grid, formally CEO of its successor, complex systems research company, Introspective Systems in Portland, Maine. She is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University, holding a degree in energy/sustainability engineering and is a systems architect and complex systems scientist. Dynamic Grid uses the study of AI/complex systems applying it to the integration of Distributed Energy Resources and grid flexibility, into the electrical grid. She is a recognized Transactive Energy expert and is a regular speaker at conferences on this topic as well as distributed intelligence in the electrical grid. She is a member of IEEE-PES, SEPA, and a member of the Grid Wise Architecture Council one of 13 members who set direction for the Department of Energy’s grid modernization and smart grid efforts, among many other industry groups.
Kay Aikin