From Queues to Quick Deployment: Navigating Grid Interconnection Delays with Bridge Power
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Rod Walton Sonya Harbaugh Harbaugh Ian Walch Walch Phil Fischer Colby Cox

Utility interconnection queues have surged. The average project now takes five years for interconnection, compared to two years in 2018. Delays in interconnection can result in missed revenue for power users, including data centers, EV fleets, and manufacturing facilities which can’t bring online new facilities fast enough to meet exploding customer demand. Faced with these dual challenges, new approaches are needed. Solutions exist that can provide reliable prime power before grid power arrives and protect from power outages after interconnection, eliminating the need for costly backup. In fact, leveraging one energy asset for bridge power and backup power can save millions of dollars. This panel will gather insights from several impacted industries, highlighting distinctions between 4-season and yearly markets and the augmented need for reserves.

Location Name
Harbor Ballroom CDE
Full Address
Baltimore, MD
United States
Short Description

Utility interconnection queues have surged. The average project now takes five years for interconnection, compared to two years in 2018. Delays in interconnection can result in missed revenue for power users, including data centers, EV fleets, and manufacturing facilities...
