Navigational Channels and Challenges: Utilities and Microgrids
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Todd Jackson Manish Murudkar William Sandell Sandell Lance Haman

The utility industry faces a new type of power demand growth. Unlike the last period of growth, driven by residential load growth, this time it is defined by new sources of load: data centers, industrial facilities, hydrogen production and EV charging hubs. There is no obvious or immediate replacement for coal plants. Natural gas power plants have managed to support retiring coal output but policy pressure to decarbonize is now making new gas additions less welcome in some regions.  Few utilities are positioned to interconnect large loads in short order let alone serve this load with firm, zero-carbon power, which some customers are now demanding.  This session will feature expert utility panelists debating the pros and cons of various DERs for use in non-wires alternatives.

Location Name
Harbor Ballroom A
Full Address
Baltimore, MD
United States
Short Description

The utility industry faces a new type of power demand growth. Unlike the last period of growth, driven by residential load growth, this time it is defined by new sources of load: data centers, industrial facilities, hydrogen production and EV charging hubs...

Presentation 2