Thriving in Community: Making the Case for Multi-Customer Microgrids
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Jana Gerber Jaclyn Whiteman Molly Hoyt Adrian Rivera Rivera Rivera

Historically, most microgrids have been developed as single-customer assets behind the meter, such as hospitals, military installations, and remote sites. Increasingly, communities are seeking development of microgrids serving multiple entities or facilities to better secure a more holistic energy security. These community-driven microgrid projects face challenges navigating complex business, regulatory and technical environments. This session includes case studies on the utility level from Pacific Gas & Electric’s Community Microgrid Enablement Program and efforts involving Duke Energy in several states. The municipal viewpoint will be highlighted via a municipal project involving the city of Altoona, Wisconsin.

Location Name
Harbor Ballroom A
Full Address
Baltimore, MD
United States
Short Description

Historically, most microgrids have been developed as single-customer assets behind the meter, such as hospitals, military installations, and remote sites. Increasingly, communities are seeking development of microgrids serving multiple entities or facilities to better secure a more holistic energy security...
